United States Path Forward


I have created this site because I take the position that we need to change directions. I present some constitutional amendments that recent events have shown are direly needed. The first two are the most pressing.

I encourage each and every reader to begin writing letters to your representatives in Congress. I have now written over 200 such letters. Most have been to my Senators and Representatives. I have searched for and discovered all of their offices, in Washington DC, and in my state. When I write a letter, it is sent to all of their offices. The probability is moderately high that each office has its own staff and it is not likely that they share names amongst the office. Maybe my letters get counted as many and four times for each Senator and my Representative.

Letters Versus Email

As we all know, emails can be deleted with a simple click. Emails are very easy to send and much easier to delete. Letters cost far more than emails and from that distinction merit more consideration, in my not so humble opinion that it. Each letter must be handled by the staff. Each one adds to the heft of the mail bags that arrived from the post office. I strongly encourage each and every reader to begin writing letters to your Senators and to your Representative.


I also encourage each and every reader to find where your party holds meetings. At this writing we are less than two years from the 2020 elections. But we need to start now to establish our base and to start getting ready to turn out the vote for that election. The time is now. Please take action, today.

Change of Direction

These United States are at a point where we need to change directions. Well, to be more comprehensive, it is true that every country, and every person, are always at a point where change is needed.
Life is never static. There are always things in change requiring that we adapt to those changes. Some of those changes are inherent in the environment in which we live. That is to say they are part of nature. Most of the changes are due to human behavior. We are not a static species. We are always making new discoveries and changing our minds. We seldom get anything perfect; therefore, there is always something to be changed. At this point in the history of the United States, in the early months of year 2019, we face changes due to politics and due to nature. We must consider both and respond to each.

Resistance to Change

The first concept to consider is resistance to change. Resistance to change has many categories. I hold that there are two which stand out from the remainder. Firstly: We decide using our emotions and before we have all the facts. Secondly: Once we decide, before we have the facts, we are incredibly reluctant to change our minds. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence. I ask the read to keep these thoughts in mind as you navigate this site. Please take the excursion by clicking here

Enough of the introductions. On to the purpose.

Constitutional Amendments

Recent events have made the case that we do need some additional amendments. The suggestions are listed here

We need an amendment to keep business, big money, and the wealthy from controlling our representatives and our president. This is already a major problem for the United States. This concept contributed to the downfall of Rome and the city state Venice. Please visit the suggested wording and reasons here: Citizens United

We need an amendment to put limitations on the presidential power of pardon. No president should have the ability bribe anyone with the promise of a pardon nor should they be able to threaten the justice department with that same threat. Please click this link Presidential Pardon

Input and Web Site Assistance

If you know how to build web sites and are interested in helping out, please contact me. I need assistance with setting up this site for blogging, polls, counting visitors, and a forum for user responses.